Content The Not Entirely That Hard BUT Definitely Not The Easy Way
Content is king, right? It's a cliche, but something doesn't become cliche without having at least a hint of truth to it. In my last post, I went through the steps I took to choose a product, find a domain, host and build a site. Now all it needs is the content.This Is A Review Site, Afterall...
The idea behind my monetized niche review site is to provide reviews of products that consumers will find useful. Ideally, these consumers are pretty much already all revved up to make a purchase and are just looking for a little nudge to confirm that they are making the right decision (if someone is searching for walnut brown wall mirrors, it is a pretty safe assumption that they are looking to buy walnut brown wall mirrors, I mean, who googles walnut brown wall mirrors for the heck of it anyway. This is why keyword research is key!) Therefore my reviews have to be mostly positive, and the negative shouldn't really be a negative anyway.
You Don't Have To Be An Expert
If you're an expert on walnut brown wall mirrors than you will have a leg up on the competition, but for the rest of us expertise is not necessary. But it is important that you can be PERCEIVED as one. So how will my review show that?
Since I am an Amazon affiliate, I go to, where else, but Amazon to research the products. And by research, I read through the product descriptions on Amazon and basically rehash that info; I also include the bulleted product info in my review as well. I rehash it in a way that establishes myself as an authority on the product. So if I were selling walnut brown wall mirrors, I would open up the review by saying something like,
if you are looking for a walnut brown wall mirror than this XYZ mirror is the one for you and here is why....What I am doing is giving valid reasons why this prospective shopper should by this particular product, thereby establishing credibility, increasing the likelihood that they will read the rest of the review, which increases the chance that my affiliate link will get a click, and the rest is up to Amazon (don't fail me now).
The Best Experts Are Those That Use The Product
When you're on Amazon looking to buy something, where do you spend more of your time: on the product description or the customer reviews? If you're like me, than it's the customer reviews. There is a wealth of real, useable information in those reviews and when creating my reviews I tapped into this great resource. I scanned three or four of the positive reviews, found what they had in common, and rehashed that into my review, highlighting that this is what actual users had to say about the product. I include something that is slightly negative as well, to give the review some teeth, but am sure to say the positives always outweigh the negatives.
Then I made sure to wrap up the review by giving the product a ringing endorsement, assuring the potential buyer that they aren't wasting their money on this product.
I will leave two affiliate links in the review. Once at the beginning of the review, and one at the end. I make the link a call to action, like, you can find this at Amazon at a great discounted price, or something. My second link will be a call to action, but it won't be as salesy, just a reminder of where the buyer where to find the product.
And that is basically it. My site is live right now with four product reviews. I have six all together, with one being a negative review, where I will not endorse the product (again, to establish credibility). I published the first three at the same time, and am spacing out the final three one week apart from each other (dripping them slowly because google likes it that way...maybe?)
Now, comes the biggest challenge: SEO. I will be posting what my plan is, how I am doing in ranking, and if and when, I make a sale.